Feb 27, 2021
In the next five weeks, People of Purpose will be publishing the Why PoP series which was initially aired 3 years ago.
This series delves into the myriad of Tanur's reasons why and how he's doubling down on his commitment to People of Purpose when he was a full-time graduate school student, middle-school teacher in San...
Feb 20, 2021
In the next five weeks, People of Purpose will be publishing the Why PoP series which was initially aired 3 years ago.
This series delves into the myriad of Tanur's reasons why and how he's doubling down on his commitment to People of Purpose when he was a full-time graduate school student, middle-school teacher in San...
Feb 13, 2021
In the next five weeks, People of Purpose will be publishing the Why PoP series which was initially aired 3 years ago.
This series delves into the myriad of Tanur's reasons why and how he's doubling down on his commitment to People of Purpose when he was a full-time graduate school student, middle-school teacher in San...