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People of Purpose

Connecting people to their unique human experience through Purpose.

Sep 23, 2018

This week's episode is the second episode in our 5-part Why PoP series.

This series delves into the myriad of reasons why and how I'm doubling down on my commitment to People of Purpose as I enter this year as a full-time graduate school student, middle-school teacher in San Francisco, and host of People of Purpose podcast.

Today's episode is about how and why I have been encouraged to take big leaps of faith towards my purpose and why it is my deep hope that People of Purpose encourages you to. I provide my story of how I've developed a mindset of limitless potential and how the action steps I take in faith become bigger and bigger.

I provide insights into my mindset of limitless potential as it relates to a long-distance cross-cultural romantic relationship, critical career decisions, and the origins of my journey from suburban Kansas, to Minnesota, Morocco, Thailand, and now San Francisco.

I provide transparency as to what are my biggest dreams and how I track them and hold myself accountable. I share strategies to finding out what truly is you own dream and how to take little bits of action to propel a dream into reality. I discuss how I perceive opportunities come about and how people can help you make things work for you. I share the agency and creative potential we all have to design our biggest dreams and find unique ways to allow them to come to fruition. I provide three concrete ways I educate myself to bigger dreams that allow me to see past the artificial limitations others choose to adopt. And I end with what I think it means to be authentic in your journey.  


I finish the episode with what I think it means to be truly authentic in your journey. I hope this Why PoP episode helps you 

"Unlock your purpose; Unleash you potential”



**Note - The next three episodes in this series will be published tri-weekly the week before each upcoming guest episode. The publishing schedule of guest interviews is tri-weekly.


Featured media clips (in order of appearance):

Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life -Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

- Trello- Create a board to keep track of your big dreams 

- 10x Life course 



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