Oct 26, 2019
This was Greg's second time being on the podcast, and we were so glad to have him back! He brings so much wisdom and faith to the table! He often offers a new perspective and thought process that makes us want more! He has such a positive influence on us and we hope you enjoy this interview just as much as we did!
After more than 30 years in business, owning as many as 14 businesses at one time with hundreds of employees, Greg found himself under the influence of Head Trash when the Real Estate market crashed. In denial, Greg made decisions that ultimately cost him tens of millions in capital and a year in prison. Going from massive success to the brokenness of failure, Greg came face to face with the ‘head-trash’ that had blocked his decision-making process and left him isolated as a leader. Now, Greg trains high-level teams the 4 essential GETS if they want to Break through the barriers of Head-Trash. Greg takes leaders into a training environment he calls The Practice Zone where these four essentials can be intentionally developed for success.
Greg is the author of 4
books and his 5th book, entitled “Circumstances Lie”, will be
released in the fall. His first book, “Broken, how being broken
unlocked the greatest success of my life”, details his life,
leadership, success and the entire story of his legal battles and
prison. It’s a brutal story with extensive details Greg journaled
in prison and how his return home sparked the desperate search for
a new belief system and significance. Greg is a speaker, author,
trainer, and coach but his ultimate mission is building teams of
Christian leaders who are pursuing their Highest Created Purpose by
training together in the Practice Zone Leadership environment of
small group networking. You can follow Greg on his journey
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