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People of Purpose

Connecting people to their unique human experience through Purpose.

Oct 28, 2017

Matt Simpson is a free spirit traveler that has found his purpose to be of service to our U.S. veterans that struggle deeply with PTSD and suicide. Matt considers the world his home but has been residing in Chicago for the past 4 months since ending an 18 month travel journey where he discovered his purpose after a profound ayahuasca experience in Costa Rica. Before his travels Matt spent 14 years in Chicago’s Rat Race as a business owner. Now he is the program manager for Veterans for Entheogenic Therapy - a nonprofit veteran organization providing alternative treatments such as plant based healing experiences to combat PTSD and veteran suicide. Matt can be found at….
--Resources mentioned: 
Tribe - Sebastian Younger
Stealing Fire - Jamie Wheal & Steven Kotler
First-hand accounts - Tim Ferriss and Aubrey Marcus
The Reality of Truth (documentary)